Happy New Year Tricksters! We hope 2025 is full of happiness and good luck for all of you. We have worked hard to prepare a new patch for you. Alongside the new MyShop boxes rotation and custom fuses, this month we have prepared a Poppuri Event, Fading Tower update with new Eternal Boss Equipment, as well as some important game updates. Please make sure to read the patch notes until the end. ♥
Read the patch notes below to find the full details on what to expect this month!
Please enjoy! ~ Head Mod Arissi
The MyShop box selection may also be purchased with Eternal Tickets from Compounder Nadia in
Megalopolis Shop. Eternal Tickets are a global drop from every monster in the game. Eternal Tickets
drop more often from monster in Harkon Defence.
Special collections of items from various gacha towns and unique fuses.
NOTE: 'Premium Gacha Box' and 'Premium Fuse Box', and any custom fuse boxes are not included in Eternal Ticket exchange.
All items in this box have equal rates.
All items in this box have equal rates.
Warm Bunny Hood Box (Hat) (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rates except the Polar Bear Capes
Winter Bunny Eyes Box (Face, Hat) (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rates except the Polar Bear Capes
Rare Drop: Polar Bear Cape (5%)
This item is a rare drop in both of Yaya's boxes. This item is only visible when sitting or laying down.
Penguin Cross Bag Form Box (Shield) (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate
Penguin Cross Bag Form Box (Hammer) (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate
Fruitforce Box (Hammer) (5k MS)
All items in these boxes have the same rate
Fruitforce & Handbell Box (Weapon) (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate.
Tiger Form Box (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate.
Icecream Hat Box (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate.
Thunder God's Head Accessory Box (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate.
Thunder God's Cape Box (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate.
Bunny Backpack Form Box (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate.
Melody Face Box (5k MS)
All items in this box have the same rate.
Added new pets and equipment rotation.
This event will be kept until further notice.
Event has ended!
Event has ended!
Event has ended!
Rewards have been sent! Congrats to our winners:
Rewards have been sent! Congrats to our winners:
Thank you to all who participated. All entries will receive 25k MyShop as a participation prize!
Begin the event quest by speaking to Marinel in Event Garden. Complete the event to earn the various rewards. The ggftw Event Guide may be used as reference, not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.
Until February patch, collect 2025 Poppuri Hunt Box and 2025 Poppuri Drill Box boxes! Based on the total number of boxes obtained by everyone on the server, the community will win various rewards. At the end of the event, each eligible player in the server will win all stage rewards up to and including the stage that has been reached by community efforts.
To access this event and view all stage rewards you must log in to the website: navigate to the Events Tab > Poppuri Event Mini Tab.
Complete Stage 10 to earn the special title 'Poppuri Event 2025' and custom Poppuri Event 2025 Permanent WT Sprint!
Exchange Poppuri Tickets
obtained from opening Poppuri boxes with 'Poppuri' in Event Garden. The Poppuri Exchange NPC will remain in Event Garden after the event,
so you will still be able to exchange Poppuri Tickets after the event ends.
The number of tickets needed to exchange for rewards and the number of boxes to complete each stage has been reduced compared to the 2024 event, due to a new IP restriction of 5 accounts for this event. Please note that a new IP detection system is in place to ensure fair participation.
An official O/X Event will be hosted by Stella this month. Make sure you start studying!
January 17th, 4:00PM PST
Craft the perfect outfit to match the theme and gather at the stage in Megalopolis Square at the event time. When it's your turn, you may present your outfit to the judges on stage! The judges will vote for the Top 3 winners based on adherence to the contest theme! The judges for this event will be: Head Mod Arissi, Mod Avierra, and Mod Vance.
Eternal Eggs have been updated! These can be purchased from the vendors pictured below in Megalopolis Square for 2m galders! All items in Eternal Eggs have equal drop rates. Upon opening an Eternal Egg, you will randomly obtain one of the following rewards:
Login to the website each weekend this month to claim a free fortune!
To access this event you must log in to the website and navigate to the Events Tab > Select Current Fortune Event.
Select the character you would like the fortune on and press 'Claim' to apply the fortune to your character for three hours. When this fortune expires, you may claim another one from the website. This can be done an unlimited amount of times until the event ends.
Updated Fading Tower with new rewards. Each floor will have a set of monster quests from Hunter Yuri and party quests from Officer Tera which give valuable rewards including an exclusive Domain Reward which are custom boss sets. Enter Fading Tower through the portal on the lower right corner of Event Garden - Ceremonia. Please read the event guide for more details on this month's update.
This content is designed to be difficult endgame content. It is recommended solely for strong level 380-400 players.
There are 11 floors total. On each floor, you will find Hunter Yuri and Officer Tera who will give you a monster quest and party quest respectively. Each quest cycle will give you a random reward. To start the quests, you will need to give the NPC's various types of Chaos Shards which can be drilled on each floor. You have the chance to get a Domain Reward Box on floors 6+, and the probability of getting the box as a reward increases the higher you climb.
Fading Tower quests will be reset seasonally and rewards including the Domain Box may change.
Custom Eternal Dread Set (Level 130) with enhanced stats– some equipment may have additional compoundable stats. Find the full details in either the Event Guide or Discord.
Hello tricksters. Our staff have heard your feedback about some changes we have made to the server in the past year, particularly: Koiosu and Kronos drop rate adjustments & pity system, and the adjustment to Episode Quest Rewards.
After much deliberation we have decided to rollback these changes. In summary:
As always, thank you for supporting Eternal Paula.
Added extra rewards to Chaos Tower Reinvestigations!
We kindly invite you to fill out the monthly feedback form to help us improve future patches!
This form will be open some time after January's mini-patch. Keep an eye out in Discord for an announcement when the new feedback form is available.
As a reward for filling out the form, you will receive 5,000 MyShop Points! You will receive this reward each time you submit a new monthly form for the first time. Your reward will be sent to you after the form closes.
Reward is limited to one account per IP and will be given to the account of the IGN you leave in the form.
Thank you very much to each and every one of our players! Your feedback and suggestions are the backbone of our server! We hope to continue building a fun server for everyone to enjoy.
If you would like to be part of our Discord community please follow this link: Eternal Paula Discord
This is where we gather feedback from players like you! We use this feedback to drive all future decisions in our server. Our Discord server is also where you will find useful guides, faqs, latest updates about hotfixes, mod event announcements, and you will have direct contact with our Mod / Admin team!
We hope you enjoy the update we have prepared!
~ The Eternal Paula Staff